Avoid Circadian Disruption, Why We’re Designed to Be Negative and Much More!


In this edition ofYour Best Life,we explore circadian rhythms, circadian health, and circadian disruption and I share a recent insight on the human condition. We finish with a life principle on what defines us as humans. So, let’s dive into it ↓

Latest Podcast

My latest podcast episode.

Most people are unaware of what our circadian rhythm is and why it matters for human health. They don’t have the foggiest about circadian health or circadian disruption and may have never heard these terms yet both affect all of our lives in profound ways!

In today’s episode, we’re joined by Daniel White who is a Registered Nutritionist, Functional Medicine and Circadian Health Coach, Founder of Sleep Better Live Better and Chairman of the Sleep Better Live Better Foundation.

We explore the topic of our circadian rhythm from what it is, to why it matters, and its impact on human health.

Daniel explains how our modern lifestyles often disrupt our circadian rhythm, how this affects our health and leads to chronic disease, and offers insights into discovering one’s chronotype and practical steps to improve circadian health.

If you want better sleep, to feel less tired, stressed, and in a chronic low mood which never seems to go away then this could be the episode for you!

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1 Insight To Consider

Thought-provoking insights to think about.

The more I explore the human condition the more I realise that we’re hardwired to focus more on what’s wrong and not right than what’s right and good.

It’s an evolutionary survival mechanism!

Now, don’t get me wrong I’m not an evolutionary psychologist. Although I have listened to a few podcasts on the subject.

And, to my surprise the more I dive into it the more fascinated I am.

Maybe, that’s because I’m fascinated by human behaviour and why we humans do what we do.

And, the more we understand our evolutionary background the more we can understand why we do what we do.

Well, that seems to be the case in my experience.

So, what does this mean for our lives in the modern world?!

Simply speaking I think it means to recognise it for what it is, realise we’re not broken, and learn to work with it so that it serves us rather than holds us back.

Because most of the time it holds us back…

Especially, when it runs wild and we become negative, a cynic, or a victim to our lives and circumstances.

I’ve realised the anti-dote to this is gratitude…

To consciously realise what we’re grateful for, all of the good aspects of our lives, and how much we are blessed.

This alongside, developing self-awareness to realise when we are in a negative place and to turn what’s wrong into what’s right or good by asking questions such as…

  • What’s the good that can come from this?
  • What’s another way of looking at this?
  • Is this true?

And, when it comes to navigating this with others I’ve realised compassion and empathy are two really important traits to cultivate while encouraging not forcing others to approach the situation, whatever it is from another perspective.

Again, using questions like the ones above to help.

At the end of the day, this mechanism is part of our psyches to help keep us alive. But, in the modern world, we don’t have the threats like we used to, and it can seemingly run more wild.

Learning to navigate it is a skill that we’d all benefit from cultivating and is part of the conscious personal growth journey.

Remember: you’re not broken. This is an innate part of us all. Learning to work with it in positive ways will lead to a more positive life.

1 Idea To Act On

Simple actions to improve your health & life.

Circadian rhythm disruption–aka disruption to our body’s natural clock leads to a whole downstream effect of negative consequences.

Like what I hear you ask… 👀

Well, in the short-term tiredness, fatigue, low mood, low libido, lack of focus and so on…


Chronic disease! 😬

And, we’re talking about everything from obesity to heart disease and even cancer!

Therefore, circadian rhythm disruption isn’t messing around when it comes to our health and our circadian health matters!

Unfortunately, not many know about this and with all of the conflicting health advice out there it’s quite easy to become stressed, overwhelmed, and confused with all of the information.

So, to keep things simple if there wasONE thing we could do to improve our circadian health what would it be…?

Well, according to Daniel White who I spoke to in this week’s episode of Raising Consciousness, it would be to make our environment darker in the evening.

And, ideally as dark as possible!

Now, how might we do that? 🤷‍♂️

Well, again to keep things simple one way we might do that is to invest in blue-light-blocking products and specifically blue-light-blocking glasses!

You might have seen me wear them on the podcast. And, that’s because after learning about this in-depth I understand the negative effects blue light has on our health, especially from our devices and I want to protect myself as best as I can.

I useOcushield for all of my blue-light-blocking products and recommend them.

My favourite product is theiranti-blue light filter for Mac and iPhone. Although all of their products are great.

So, if you’re inspired to improve your circadian health then this is the first place to start. Get your blue-light-blocking glasses and start to make your light environment darker in the evening.

Try it! Or them! 😉

Principle Of Life

Principles & reminders to help you live your best life.

#27: Our actions define who we are, not our thoughts.

Until next week,

Luke Burrows

Founder, Podcast Host

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