Chronic Stress, Letting Go, and The Importance of Routines


In this edition ofYour Best Life,I share my latest podcast with Elizabeth Kipp to discuss the relationship between chronic pain and stress, as well as an insight into what we canactually control, and an idea of the importance of routines. We finish with a life principle on letting go! So, let’s dive into it ↓

Latest Podcast

My latest podcast episode.

We have an ever-growing epidemic of chronic pain with an estimated 50 million people in America alone experiencing some form of chronic pain according to the National Institutes of Health inthis article.

I find the number staggering, in that how have we let it get this far? But it’s not overly surprising. We just need to look around us to see the current state of human health.

In this week’s episode, I’m joined by Elizabeth Kipp who is a Stress Management Specialist who uses Trauma-Trained and Yoga-Informed Addiction Recovery Coaching, Ancestral Clearing®, Compassionate Inquiry, and Yoga to help people unleash their healing power, find freedom from suffering, and live a thriving life. She is also the best-selling author of “The Way Through Chronic Pain: Tools to Reclaim Your Healing Power.”

We discuss Elizabeth’s journey of healing from chronic pain after the doctors told her she’d never be able to heal and turned to the wisdom of alternative therapies as well as the relationship between chronic pain and stress, the importance of understanding chronic pain as a multifaceted issue, and how to heal using the body’s natural healing power.

Elizabeth is someone who has experienced chronic pain first-hand and I’m so excited to be able to not only share her journey with you but knowledge and wisdom on how we can all heal from chronic pain no matter what we’re experiencing.

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1 Insight To Consider

Thought-provoking insights to think about.

A lot of our anger, frustration, upset, and sadness comes from the inability to control or feel like we have a sense of control over the outside world.

Think about it…

The last time you were angry, frustrated, or upset with a friend, family member, or work colleague came from them doing or not doing something that you wanted them to do or not do…

Or, from them saying something that hurt you—either intentionally or not.

Now I’m not saying that this is either right or wrong…

In fact, I pride myself on being a good person which to me means to be considerate, kind, caring, loving, thoughtful, and to bring joy and happiness to others. When I upset someone I feel really bad and want to put it right straight away!

That’s probably another conversation for another day…

The point here is that we have zero control over what someone does, or doesn’t do or says or doesn’t say yet it can affect our lives in profound ways!

What I’ve realised more and more is that if a lot of our anger and upset stems from the actions of others and what we perceive those actions to mean then we’re going to be at the mercy of them (often unconsciously) for a great amount of time.

And, I don’t believe that this is the best or healthiest way to live life. Do you?! 🤷‍♂️

That’s why really getting to grips with the understanding of what I believe to be the universal truth that anything outside of us is outside of our control—and all we can control is what’s within—our thoughts, emotions, feelings, choices, actions, responses etc. the list continues… is the way to not only live a more healthier life but a more peaceful one of that too!

This isn’t easy. I’ve found it to be a daily practice. With the awareness that at times we’re going to fall…

At times we’re not going to be able to control our emotions or feelings in the way we want to and express them in the healthiest way.

Or, at times we’re not going to make the best decision that will look back at it and think, what was I thinking?! 👀

I know I’ve had a few of those 😅

Then this happens, we get back up, learn and continue on our way. We continue to practice directing our energy, focus, and attention to what we can control.

And, for the most part, that is not what’s outside of us, but what’s within!

1 Idea To Act On

Simple actions to improve your health & life.

Establish a routine!(consciously)

There are creators, influencers, experts in their fields (albeit not health), and well-known people online who slate having a routine—especially a morning routine…

Yet whether we consciously recognise it or not we all have a routine. In fact, we all have many routines as we go about our daily lives.

At the end of the day, a routine is simply a set of actions followed regularly. They can either work for us, or against us.

And, over the summer I had a few as I’ve had to adapt to life and all of its events.

What I’ve learned is that our routines have a big role in how our body functions and therefore, health outcomes.

And, it’s about finding the routine that works for us. Finding our flow, and natural rhythms.

I’m looking to explore this further in upcoming episodes of the podcast as we cover the circadian rhythm in more detail which I’m looking forward to with some of the insights I’ve recently made in mind. More of that soon 👀

But, no joke I think finding our routine, flow, and natural rhythms is one step we can take to a healthier life…

An example would be finding our wake and sleep time. I no longer need an alarm. I wake up between 5:30 am and 6 am naturally every single morning. And, go to bed between 9:30 pm and 10 pm every single evening. Minus the odd special occasion or event like Christmas!

My body knows this. And, while there is a lot of science to this which is beyond my pay grade–although I’m learning it has learned to produce the right chemicals at these times to help me wake up, and fall asleep.

Therefore, when it comes to sleep I’ve found my flow, natural rhythm, and routine. There are a few tweaks I know I can make but for the most part, I sleep well.

It takes time to find the routines that work for us. And, my quest for you is to start to find yours…

What are some things that you know just work for you? And, are you doing them consistently?

Maybe, you know that having lunch at noon every day just works for you. It gives you the most energy in the afternoon and helps you to perform at your best. Or, maybe you know that a siesta at 3 pm is part of your natural rhythm as your energy dips.

These are the things to pay attention to and then adapt over time. This is part of what it means to create our lives by design and live consciously as we pay attention to what works for us and then going with it!

Principle Of Life

Principles & reminders to help you live your best life.

#24: Learn to let go or be dragged.

Until next week,

Luke Burrows

Founder, Podcast Host

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