Heal Gut Issues, the Need for Control, Discover Your Dosha & More!
In this edition ofYour Best Life,I share my latest podcast episode gut health, an insight on the need for control and letting go, an idea to improve your health through ancient wisdom, and as always we finish with a life principle to help live our best lives. So, let’s dive into it ↓
Latest Podcast
My latest podcast episode.
More and more research points to how our gut health could be directly correlated to our overall health. Good gut health = good overall health!
And, while more research and the latest science point to this ancient wisdom systems like Ayurveda knew this for millennia. The science is now catching up!
So, with this in mind in this episode, we’re joined by Victoria Torrealba who is a Holistic Health Coach and Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner specialising in gut health to talk about gut health through the lens of Ayurveda and why gut health is so important to human health.
Be prepared to learn practical steps for improving gut health, the importance of understanding one’s own body, the role doshas play in regaining balance and healing from gut issues, and the importance of a personalised approach to promoting health!
With gut and digestive issues on the rise, if you or a loved one has or is facing these health-related issues then this episode is for you! Listen or watch wherever you get your podcasts from, links below.
Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts
Click here to listen on Spotify
1 Insight To Consider
Thought-provoking insights to think about.
Theneed for control…
I’ve been reflecting on this a lot recently.
And, I realised that a lot of my emotional and mental discomfort and angst comes from a desire for control and to feel that I have agency over my life as a whole.
Can you relate? 👀
I think a lot of us have this need or desire for control.
To feel that we have power over our lives. And, in many cases over situations, and other people too which is often rooted in insecurity.
For me, it’s not about control over others. I can’t control others, nor do I want to.
As I said, it’s more about having agency in life.
Control. Power. Agency.
To me, all are very similar depending on how they’re expressed.
But, what if we were to flip the need or desire for control, power, and agency on its head…
What if, true power was found in the art of letting go?
Tonot need control.
Tonotfeel that we need to control everything in our lives to have power and agency.
Is that where our true power lies?
Is that where equilibrium lies?
Is that where inner peace lies?
Who knows? 🤷♂️
What I do know is from my own experience that while control, power, and especially agency to feel that we can make things happen in our lives are important traits to living our best lives when they run wild they can also lead to emotional and mental discomfort and angst.
Wisdom is knowing when to dive into them and when to let go a little bit more.
Thoughts?! Can you relate in any way? Do you find yourselfneeding control more often than not?
1 Idea To Act On
Simple actions to improve your health & life.
I’ve spoken, written, and shared about Ayurveda which is an ancient holistic approach to health many times on the podcast, in this newsletter, and across social media because I believe it holds a lot of wisdom that we can apply in our modern lives to improve our health and wellbeing.
One key principle of Ayurveda is understanding our primary Dosha type. Also, known as energy types and body types.
Simply speaking there are Dosha’s—Vata, Pitta & Kapha and are the biological energies found throughout the human body and mind.
Understanding our primary Dosha type and all of its characteristics is a tool that we can add to our toolbox to better understand ourselves and improve the direction of our health.
So, do you know your Dosha type?
If so, what is it? Care to share? 😉
If not, I would recommend finding out what your dosha type is. And, you can do so by taking a free Dosha quiz likethis one.
Discovering our Dosha type is the first step. But, like all journeys, they start with a single step.
Try it, take the quiz, and discover your Dosha type!
Principle Of Life
Reminders and maxims to help you live your best life.
#29:To know is to do.
Until next week,
Struggle with low energy? Brain fog? Or mental fatigue? 🤔
Get a free health consultation on me! Book here.
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