Health Principles, How To Be Our Best Selves, and My Recent Experience with Meditation


In this edition ofYour Best Life,we have a podcast episode on how to navigate health, I share my latest insight on how to become our best and most conscious selves most of the time, and I share my latest experience with meditation which I encourage you to try!

Finally, we finish with a life principle on how to approach our work. So, let’s dive into it ↓

Latest Podcast

My latest podcast episode.

Health can be a minefield to navigate. That’s why I like to keep it simple by following some guiding principles for each area of health.

In today’s episode, I’m joined by not just one but two guests who are no strangers to the podcast as we share and discuss our principles for navigating health (and life) in a noisy and ever-confusing world!

These two guests are Robert Flis and Rich Ahlers who share the ways they keep physically fit and on top of their nutrition as well as the ways they get good quality sleep, manage stress effectively, and maintain healthy relationships.

If you’re looking for a simplified approach to health then this episode is for you.

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1 Insight To Consider

Thought-provoking insights to think about.

I’ve said it before that when we are our best selves we are our most conscious selves…

I just believe this to be true!

So, the question is how can we be our most conscious selves most of the time?! 🤔

A recent insight I’ve had here is that being our most conscious selves most of the time stems from the following…

  1. Having space.
  2. Doing less (and potentially having less) not more.


This insight is taken from personal experience in that every time I’ve had space tojust be, think, and process what’s going on and do less rather than being so busy moving from one thing to another without a break to breathe in between I’ve noticed how I live more consciously…

And, therefore show up as my best and most conscious self!

In this space, I’m more thoughtful of others, react less to events I cannot control, and feel I make better choices and decisions.

However, as you may probably know and experience daily this is ever more challenging in the modern world which is why I think it’s even important to craft time out for self-reflection, solitude, and living fully in the present moment where life is actually lived!

This can take many shapes and forms whether that’s a daily journal practice, meditation, nature walks (without technology!), or watching the sunset. Find what works for you and do it regularly!

I cannot stress the value of having a practice that takes us out of the daily busyness of life and brings us back to the present moment.

Furthermore, it would be wise to over the long-term complete a life audit by removing all that doesn’t serve you so that you end up having more space in your life and doing less, not more so that you can live more consciously, do the things you actually want to do and bring you the most energy which just happens to help you to be your most conscious self and therefore, best self most of the time!

I don’t know about you but life is just better that way…


1 Idea To Act On

Simple actions to improve your health & life.


I’ve shared the importance of meditation before in my newsletter so you may be thinking here he goes again… 🙄

But, hold your horses!

This time there’s a twist…

And, all thanks to my recent conversation with Catarina Esteves.

In this conversation, Catarina shared how modern meditation isn’t actually meditation but yoga-nidra and a deep relaxation technique because most modern meditation is guided…

Traditional meditation on the overhand is in silence!

Just you and your thoughts…

I found this intriguing so I gave it a go.

And, I was surprised by how after I was able to quieten my mind I was able to what can only be described as rise above my thoughts and enter a place of calmness, peace, and emptyiness.

Now, I’m not sure how long I stayed there as once I realised where I was my conscious mind came back online 😂

And the odd thought reappeared…

But then I realised I could enter this place.

I was OK.

I was safe there and felt as though I was conscious of my unconsciousness which I’m not sure is even a thing but it’s the best way I can describe it 😬

Anyway, it was a profound experience. And, I recommend that you give it ago!

You can use a guided meditation track to get into a state of relaxation.

Catarina recommended this.

But then practice the art of meditation with no guided audio, track, or music.

Just you and your thoughts.

Try it!

Principle Of Life

Principles & reminders to help you live your best life.

#26: See work as play and a way to express yourself.

Until next week,

Luke Burrows

Founder, Podcast Host

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