How Light Affects Our Health, an Insight for Self-discovery, and How to Start Your Day From Tomorrow!
In this edition ofYour Best Life,I share my latest podcast episode on the relationship between light and human health, an insight into how what often annoys us is a reflection of what’s going on internally, and an idea to help you optimise your energy, improve your mood, and start your day’s in the best possible way. We finish with a life principle on attention.
So, let’s dive into it ↓
Latest Podcast
My latest podcast episode.
Light whether positive or negative has a profound effect on human health that most people are unaware of yet face every day whether it’s from natural sources such as sunlight or just being outside to artificial light and staying on our digital devices for too long in the evening.
Either way, more and more research states the profound effect that light has on human health and in today’s episode, we’re joined by Dr Vanessa Ingraham who is an Integrative and Functional Medical Practitioner to discuss all things light and its relationship with our health!
In this episode, we explore the latest science, Vanessa questions some of the well-known advice around sun exposure debunking common myths, and shares practical tips for getting the necessary light throughout the day no matter where we find ourselves on the planet for our health and well-being.
If you’re ready to optimise your light environment and take your health to the next level then this episode is for you!
Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts
Click here to listen on Spotify
1 Insight To Consider
Thought-provoking insights to think about.
I don’t know about you but there are certain behaviours about others that annoy, frustrate, and drive me nuts!! 😣
Most recently I’ve realised that these behaviours are often down to one or two maybe even both things…
1. They are a reflection of the behaviours we do that we don’t like about ourselves.
2. They are a value infringement.
3. Both!
Let me explain…
So often we get frustrated about the behaviours of others without stopping and asking the question… why? 🧐
Why does this or that behaviour annoy me so much about this person?!
Furthermore, we fail to hold up the mirror and ask, is this a behaviour that I do myself…
Reflecting on my own life I realised that oftentimes the behaviours that drive me nuts are the ones that I unconsciously find myself doing and therefore, are too close to home and this could be one reason why I find them so annoying. Sound familiar?! 👀
Secondly, if that’s not the case another reason we could get so frustrated is because said behaviour could be a value infringement.
Meaning that…
When someone does something that goes against our highest values, we can feel triggered and violated.
This is neither good nor bad because, at the end of the day, we have to stand for something otherwise we will fall for everything so getting the sign often through our emotions and feelings that our values have been violated in some way is a feedback mechanism that we can use to navigate situations and life in the best possible way.
However, that’s often not the case!
Most people and I’ve been there react without any conscious thought.
The better approach is to pause, take a deep breath and respond with conscious awareness knowing that your values have been violated in some way, working out why and how, and communicating this consciously so that you can navigate the situation positively.
This requires becoming an observer of self which I often speak about and the more I go through life the more I realise how important it is!
There are situations where the behaviours that annoy us the most are both a mirror to the behaviours we demonstrate, don’t like, are too close to home and are a value infringement.
These are tough to navigate as we are “guilty” (for one of a better word) of the behaviour ourselves.
However, the antidote to all of this starts with awareness and that’s a process I’ve been going through recently and you can too!
You can start this process by noticing the behaviours that drive you nuts about others and instead of judging them and getting annoyed, frustrated, or even defensive using them as a mirror for self-discovery.
Ask questions such as…
- Is this behaviour something I see in myself?
- Does this behaviour remind me of something that I’m trying to avoid or suppress?
- Why do I feel annoyed, frustrated, and threatened by this behaviour? What is it about it that triggers me?
Then, once you go through these questions you can start by identifying the ways the behaviour shows up in your life, ie. the way you behave this way and ask…
- Who do I need to be for this behaviour to not bother me anymore?
- What am I currently getting out of being this way?
- How would life be different without this behaviour?
You get the point!
These questions are only an example of the type of questions that you can ask.
The bottom line here is to start to explore and get to the root of why you feel the way you do about the behaviours in others whether it’s to do with the behaviours being too close to home, a value infringement or both.
The final thing I’d say on this is that this isn’t a one-and-done exercise. It’s a self-discovery exercise that you can do over and over again especially when you notice yourself feeling most triggered by the behaviours of others.
Again, instead of judgement lean into curiosity and use the situation as a mirror for self-discovery and personal growth!
1 Idea To Act On
Simple actions to improve your health & life.
Getting natural, sun or infrared light within 30 minutes, up to an hour first thing in the morning not only helps to turn many biological systems and processes “ON” within our body but helps to promote energy, mood, and to many people’s surprise sleep the following night.
No wonder world-renowned experts in their fields like Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., highly recommend it as one of the core protocols we implement to improve our health.
And, when we think about it’s pretty simple…
We wake up, head to the toilet (for most people), get our morning tea, coffee (although it’s recommended we delay caffeine for up to 90 minutes), or drink of choice, and get outside or sit in front of an infrared or red light bulb or panel for 10 to 20 minutes.
We could combine it with morning meditation, breathwork, or reading if any of those are our thing.
Or, even combine it with morning movement and exercise like I do.
The choice is up to us!
The principle here is to expose ourselves to natural light (or red light, depending on the season etc.) as early as possible in the morning and while the literature says 30 minutes or less is better I like to take the first 90 minutes of the day at a slower tempo so I avoid being in a rush to get outside within 30 minutes.
Being in a rushed state of mind affects my whole day. So, yes I’m going outside and will aim to do so within 60 minutes!
Interestingly while I recommend an earlier wake-up time rather than a later one, I’m not saying you have to wake up at a certain time as having a consistent wake and sleep time is the most important.
Wake up when you want (within reason 🤣) just make sure you get natural light within 30 to 60 minutes of doing so!
Try it!
Principle Of Life
Reminders and maxims to help you live your best life.
#28: Do not give your attention to what others do or fail to do, only give your attention to what you do or fail to do.
Until next week,
Struggle with low energy? Brain fog? Or mental fatigue? 🤔
Get a free health consultation on me! Book here.
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