Luke Burrows

How To Break Your Own Patterns & Much More


In this edition of Your Best Life, I share my latest podcast with Andy Kozlowski on ancient wisdom, an insight into what I’ve realised about the human experience, and an idea that’s a bit left-field but I’ve been practising for the last two weeks. We finish with a life principle on the past, future, and present, let’s dive into it ↓

Latest Podcast

My latest podcast episode.

In this episode, I’m joined by Andy Kozlowski an Empath Coach for highly sensitive people whose work is routed in ancient practices and wisdom from Taoism to hypnotherapy, Ayurveda, The Silva Method, and more.

We discuss how ancient practices like Taoism can help raise consciousness in a modern world and what Andy has learned from over 10,000 hours of meditation!

Andy is a fascinating character and deep thinker whose insights challenge conventional thinking and help us to see beyond the physical world. If that’s something you want to explore, I’d highly recommend checking out this episode.

Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts

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1 Insight To Consider

Thought-provoking insights to think about.

The more I think about the human experience, the more I realise that our experience is based on recognising our patterns which are a combination of behaviours, habits, and thoughts that ultimately create our reality…

If they work for us, that’s great, let’s fuel them by putting more energy and attention into them that will hopefully propel our lives in the direction we want to go. Well, that’s the idea!

On the other hand…

If they don’t work for us, it’s about recognising that and breaking them asap so that we don’t fall into a negative cycle.

Using examples from my own life, exercising in the morning works for me. It’s when there is the least amount of resistance to do so and helps me to be my best self. It’s a habit I fuel by prioritising exercise and movement first thing in the morning.

Whereas, a “negative” behaviour pattern I’ve noticed is that when I’m in high states of anxiety and/or have low energy I tend to think more in extremes such as I’m never going to be successful, or I fail at everything I do.

This affects how I show up and so the negative cycle begins… that is when I don’t catch myself for the BS that this is, reframe it, and start to think and live more consciously!

It’s not surprising to say that this type of behaviour, and self-talk isn’t helpful and only keeps me stuck. I’m working on breaking it by understanding where it comes from and reframing limiting beliefs.

Over the next week, pay attention to your patterns (behaviours, habits, and thoughts) and if they serve you or hold you back!

1 Idea To Act On

Simple actions to improve your health & life.

This idea could be seen as a bit of a left-field one but it’s a practice I’ve been actively engaging more in recently and that’s… YOGA! 🙆‍♂️

Yep, that’s right every morning after a 60 to 90-minute walk I’ve been practising Yoga for 20 to 30 minutes and I’ve noticed some profound benefits including…

  • A deeper understanding of the mind-body connection
  • A different type of connection with my breath (different to that of a dedicated breathwork practice)
  • Feeling more calm, peaceful and relaxed
  • Feeling stronger using nothing else other than my own body weight

Now this isn’t the first time I’ve practiced Yoga. But, it is the first time I’ve practised to increase strength, mobility, and flexibility, and get a bit of a cardio workout in.

Much to my surprise I’ve been enjoying it more than I was expecting, which brings up the lifelong principle again to expect the unexpected and be open to all possibilities…

So, give Yoga a try even if it’s only a few times per week and let me know how you get on by replying to this email!

And, most of all have fun 😉

Principle Of Life

Principles & reminders to help you live your best life.

#16: Learn from the past, prepare for the future, and live fully in the present.

Until next week,

Luke Burrows

Founder, Podcast Host

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