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Want to know the best type of exercise? 🤔
The one that you’re actually do!
With so many exercise routines, methodologies, and recommendations, when you first get started, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start.
The best place to start is with the exercise you’ll actually do, and in most cases, that’s with the type of exercise or physical activity you enjoy!
It could be playing sports, doing yoga, or taking long walks and hikes.
Either way, moving your body is moving your body, and any type of movement is better than none!
Furthermore, when we start moving our bodies, we begin to realise that it’s what our bodies are meant to do.
Our bodies are meant to move. And move in various ways:
Walk, run, sprint, lift, jump, pull, push, press, squat, lunge, etc.
You get the point.
Yet we’ve become so sedentary that we’ve forgotten this phenomenon, which, over time, has led to our ability to move being so vastly decreased that now many struggle to even take a 20-minute walk.
It’s that famous old saying coming true…
“If you don’t use it, you lose it.”
This saying might sound cliche, but it’s cliche for a reason because it’s true and holds so much wisdom, yet we dismiss it.
When, in fact, if we acted on it, our lives would most likely be a lot better and healthier in more ways than one!
I say all of this not to diminish people’s current physical capabilities or shame them, but to acknowledge where we are at, as a society.
If we cannot acknowledge where we are, how can we truly move forward and improve and change the direction of human health?
Acknowledgement and awareness are always the first steps in any change, and without them, change does not occur.
I think it’s more than fair to say that change is needed when it comes to the direction of human health, and while I could back that up with facts, stats and research, I think the best research is to just take a look out of our windows into our communities and neighbourhoods.
We would clearly see that as a society, we are moving less and eating more, which is contributing to the obesity crisis, and more are socially disconnected than ever before!
We’re more stressed, anxious and overwhelmed most of the time, and all of this is contributing to the rise of chronic disease and ill health!
One of the antidotes to this societal challenge that we can all do is to start moving a little bit more by adding more movement into our daily lives.
Some quick and easy ways to do this that I utilise are to:
1. Park further away from my destination, such as the store 🏪
2. Always taking the stairs instead of the elevator 🛗
3. Taking walking phone calls and meetings most of, if not all, of the time 📞
There are many other ways to increase our movement levels, but these are some of the quickest, easiest, and simplest ways I’ve found that we can do so around our daily lives.
At the end of the day, I believe two phenomena hold to be true:
1. Moving more is hardly ever a bad idea.
2. The best type of exercise and movement is the one that you will do.
Here’s to moving more, increasing our life expectancy, and living a healthier life as a result 👊
Reminders and maxims to help you live your best life.
Recommended resources, brands, and tools to help navigate life.
If you’re inspired to move more but don’t know where to start, you may find yourself turning to the App Store to try and find a guided workout app that you can follow along to at home, or you may decide to turn to YouTube.
Both are good options, however…
They have their limitations!
The App Store is full of paid apps or versions of apps that make accessibility limited, especially when we are first getting started or are in financial difficulties.
YouTube is a good alternative, but with the annoyance of ads and potential distractions of the algorithm, I prefer to look elsewhere.
Unfortunately, there aren’t many other options available, but one app that is free to use and has no background ads or distractions, enabling you to focus on your workout of choice, is the…
I’ve been utilising this app for at least three years.
Admittedly, I’ve been on and off within those 3+ years, but I’ve found myself keep coming back to it, especially for certain types of workouts like guided yoga sessions.
Overall, the Nike Training Club app is your one-stop shop for every type of exercise methodology from strength training to HIIT cardio workouts to yoga, pilates and more.
They even have guided breathing sessions that can be utilised any time you need them throughout the day and make a great post-workout recovery practice.
The great thing about this app is that it’s completely free to use 🙌
Plus, it’s updated regularly, can be linked with your wearable tech devices and even has some gamification built in!
If you’re looking to move more, start with the type of movement you enjoy the most because, again, it’s the one you’re most likely to do.
Alongside that, I would highly recommend checking out the Nike Training Club app as a great starting place, and who knows, maybe, like me, you’ll keep coming back to it 😉
Click here to download the Nike Training Club app on iOS or Android.
Download it now and let me know how you get on.
PS. I’m not associated with Nike or the Nike Training Club app in any way. I’m a passionate user of the app and believe you could gain a lot of value from it, too!
Until next week,
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