Luke Burrows

Life Is Just One Big Game Of…


In this email, I share my latest podcast episode about the art of allowance, an insight related to consciousness, and an idea that’s added an incredible amount of value to my life–although it’s more of a habit now. Oh, and we finish with a life principle on expectation!

Latest Podcast

My latest podcast episode.

In this episode, I’m joined by Gary Douglas who is a renowned speaker, best-selling author, and founder of Access Consciousness.

We discuss the concept of the gift of allowance, its fundamental principles and its importance in our daily lives. We explore consciousness, what it means to live in the present moment and the power our choices have to create a greater possibility.

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1 Insight To Consider

Thought-provoking insights to think about.

When we expect the unexpected we’re open to everything that comes our way–for good or for bad, who knows 🤷‍♂️

This feeds into the art of surrender that I shared a couple of weeks back, and I believe is similar to what Gary Douglas refers to as allowance.

When we surrender, or are in a state of allowance there is no judgment. There is just pure consciousness and acceptance of what is.

Since my hospital visit a couple of weeks ago I’ve been consciously aiming to live from this place more often than not.

Sure, I’ve had the odd wobble…

Interestingly mostly when I’ve found myself getting caught up in emotional contagion–which is when we get caught up in other people’s emotions either through one-to-one interactions or being part of a larger social group!

That’s why (well, at least one reason why) self-awareness and awareness in general are so important. Via self-awareness, we’re able to catch ourselves entering the spiral of emotional contagion and able to do something about it before it catches its jaws around us and is too late!

To be honest, this is all one big game of consciousness. Don’t you think?

Whether it’s surrender, allowance, self-awareness etc. it all boils down to one core thing: consciousness. And the art and science of what it means to live consciously!

Think about it, and let me know what insights you make…

1 Idea To Act On

Simple actions to improve your health & life.

Sometimes taking time out to just think, reflect and complement can be one of the best things we can do!

Yet hustle culture tells us that this is passive and that we must always be taking action and on the move…

Like with everything there is value in this message. However, I tend to stay away from the extremes, and believe that a combination of taking consistent well-intentioned action with some form of reflection is the best approach!

So, with this in mind whether it’s today, tomorrow, or at some point in the near future you’ve got permission to take some time out to just think, reflect, and complement…

What do you think about? 🤔

Here are some suggestions…

  • You could reflect on the year thus far and if you’re moving in the direction you want to go.
  • You could think about what was good or what you’re grateful for that happened in the last week.


  • You could go super deep, and contemplate the meaning of life and your existence!

Ps. I love the deep stuff 😉

Whatever you decide to think about, aim to leave your “thinking session” with an action you can take and/or something tangible you can move forward with.

Having an action to take or something tangible you can move forward with adds an incredible amount of value and makes these “thinking sessions” seem more worth it–although there is value in them anyway!

Try it!

Principle Of Life

Principles & reminders to help you live your best life.

#14: Expect the unexpected and be open to all that is.

Until next week,

Luke Burrows

Founder, Podcast Host

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