My Top 3 Lessons From 2024
As we bring 2024 to a close this edition of Your Best Life, is the last of the year. But, don’t worry I’ll be back in 2025 with a few changes which I’m looking forward to sharing with you. In the meantime, I wanted to close out 2024 by sharing my top 3 lessons from the year.
Here it goes…
1. Have the courage to listen to intuition & be courageous
Intuition is real. And requires courage because it’s the path less trodden.
But, if we want to live our best life possible, not an average one courage is one of the ingredients required. I’ve learned this the hard way this year!
Feel the fear, angst, anxiety, and/or whatever feelings you feel when you want to make a decision you know is good for you and want to make but are hesitant because of what other people might think and do it anyway.
This is courage. Trust your vibes. Trust your intuition.
And, as one of my mentors says…
“Be prepared to dance in the fire!”
2. It's easier to know what you don't want than what you do
Think of all the things that you want in your life…
Now, repeat but for all the things you don’t want in your life…
Compare both lists. Which one is longer?! 🤔
I’ve come to realise that for most people, and I’m one of them it’s easier to think and know what we don’t want in our lives than to think of and be truly honest with ourselves about what we do…
Chris Williamson on the Modern Wisdom podcast brought this insight to my attention and I’ve been thinking about it on and off throughout the year.
The interesting and rather funny thing about it is that when we audit and remove the things we don’t want, for example, let’s say we don’t want toxic negativity and optimise for not having that in your life we end up becoming “happier” and getting the thing we do want which might be optimistic friends and social circle.
I experienced this at the beginning of the year as I started working with a business mentor to help shape my career/business moving forward.
I didn’t entirely know and was unsure about what I wanted in this area of my life so he made a few suggestions…
Meeting after meeting I kept saying no, like that’s not it!
This process went on for a few months until I realised for myself what direction that I did want to go in 🙌
It took knowing what I didn’t want to know what I did want!
This new year, try this for yourself…
Think of an area of your life where you feel stuck and think of everything you don’t want.Â
For example, if you feeling stuck in your relationship. Ask yourself what don’t you want in your relationships. Over time this will lead to clarity of what you do want.
 Try it, it seems to work… 😃
Try it!
3. Surrender is about acceptance & being one with life
Pre-June of this year I didn’t fully understand the concept of “Surrender” which is often a spiritual concept but then life decided to hit me around the face and I experienced what “Surrender” is all about! 😂
Through an unfortunate experience which ended up with me in the hospital having a fairly urgent but not life-threatening operation, I learned that being in a state of Surrender is an acceptance of what is, without fighting or wanting to control the situation or life itself.
It’s the state of being at one with life in the moment, fully present, and aware of all what is without fighting reality or trying to regain control!
Essentially, it’s the relinquishing of all control.
This doesn’t mean we give up our personal power.
While linked, I’ve come to realise that control and power are different.
In fact, relinquishing control is a powerful move and being fully acceptive of what is requires more personal power than you might think.
My experience of “Surrender” was what made me realise this for myself.
It’s powerful and is the gateway to more conscious, present, and mindful living!
Latest Podcast
My latest podcast episode.
We close the year in fine spirits with a fascinating conversation on the importance of holistic health, nutrition, and the impact of trauma on our overall well-being and ability to thrive in life with Dr. Randall Hansen!
Dr. Hansen is on a mission to help humanity find healing and optimal health, by educating and empowering people to be proactive about their food choices, find a healthy lifestyle, and heal from past trauma. He is also the author of, The Healing Revolution Diet: A Science-based Approach to Heal Your Gut, Reverse Chronic Illnesses, Lose Weight, Clear Your Mind, and Increase Longevity.
Listen or watch wherever you get your podcasts don’t forget to leave a comment with what you took away from the episode.
Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts
Click here to listen on Spotify
Until next week,
Struggle with low energy? Brain fog? Or mental fatigue? 🤔
Get a free health consultation on me! Book here.
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