Relationship with Self, An Intuition Insight, and How to Get Better Sleep 💤
In this edition ofYour Best Life,I share my latest podcast episode on all things self-compassion, self-love, and forgiveness, an intuition insight, and an idea to help improve our sleep. We finish with a life principle on health and wellness. So, let’s dive into it ↓
Latest Podcast
My latest podcast episode.
Isn’t it odd that we often treat ourselves vastly differently to how we treat others yet we’re the only person that we have to live with…
For example, our self-talk demonstrates this nicely!
We talk to ourselves in ways that we wouldn’t even think about talking to our best friend or someone we love very deeply.
Yet, it’s okay to talk to ourselves in this way 😬
And, then wonder why we have low self-esteem, confidence, and feel like shit most of the time about ourselves.
To improve the trajectory of our lives and live our best life one of the best things we can do is become aware of our self-talk and work on developing the relationship with ourselves.
And, self-love is the gateway to doing this!
In today’s episode, I’m joined by Hanh Tat who is an author and spiritual teacher as she shares her transformative journey where she learned the importance of self-compassion, self-love, and forgiveness and how these lessons changed her life for the better.
If you often find yourself being too critical of yourself and letting your self-talk run the show then this is an episode for you!
Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts
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1 Insight To Consider
Thought-provoking insights to think about.
I’ve often viewed myself as an intuitive person. It’s one of my core values.
This comes with its challenges because anything that we rap our identity up in has the potential to come and bite us back of the ass for one of a better phase! 🤣
Recently this core value has been called into question as I navigate some challenges that have arisen in my life and noticing where my intuition is guiding me but being put off by making the intuition decision because of the potential consequences.
This has taught me that…
Intuition requires courage.
And, if one wants to be an“intuitive person” then developing courage and being open and willing to face the potential consequences and outcomes that come along with that is part of the price that one has to pay…
In other words…
To be intuitive you must be willing to dance in the fire and resistance! 🔥
At the end of the day, most people have lost sight of their intuitive voice which means that following one’s intuition has become a disruptor.
And, this can lead to upsetting a lot of people. Not out of spite. But, out of following one’s own inner voice and path.
This isn’t easy.
While intuition often feels good it’s not easy.
Don’t confuse good with easy.
The whole point of our intuition is to help us to make theBEST decisions.
And, the best decisions often aren’t the easy ones… 😬
It’s just how it is.
Rather than fighting it, learn to accept it, embrace it, and live with it.
Surrendering to this truth will lead to a much more peaceful life.
And, isn’t that the ultimate goal? 🤔
To live in peace within ourselves.
Maybe, I’m projecting and this isn’t your goal.
However, I think on some level this resonates with us all.
Our intuition can help get us there if we recognise, accept, and are willing to pay the price of dancing in the fire and the resistance and be willing to develop courage.
This begs the question…
Are you willing to pay the price and dance in the fire and resistance? 🤔
Reflect on that one and see what emerges…
1 Idea To Act On
Simple actions to improve your health & life.
Sleep matters!!
It’s vital for our recovery, mental and physical performance, clarity, mood, bodily functions, and so much more.
Yet, the majority of people are either getting sub-par quality sleep or not enough sleep 💤
Inthis recent podcast episode, I broke down how I approach sleep from sharing my sleep principles to my wind-down routine, and how after studying the science realised how I could improve my sleep by integrating some simple changes and habits.
One of those changes based on the science was to ensure that I get 5 sleep cycles per night!
What’s a sleep cycle? 🤔
In simple terms, a sleep cycle is typically a 90-minute phase of sleep that makes up our overall sleep. These sleep cycles vary between light sleep to REM sleep and it’s recommended that we get 5 sleep cycles per night.
We could totally geek out on this but to keep things simple after looking at the science and releasing that 5 sleep cycles are most optimal and they last for about 90 minutes to ensure that we get 5 sleep cycles every night the first step is to pick the time we want to wake up in the morning which for me is between 5:30 and 6 am and then count 5 sleep cycles back to determine our bedtime!
For example… as I want to be waking up at 6 am latest, to ensure that I get 5 sleep cycles every night my bedtime would be 10:30 pm.
Integrating this small change has helped me to take the guesswork out of what my bedtime“should” be as now I know based on optimising for 5 sleep cycles.
This doesn’t mean my sleep is great every night.
Far from it because as we all know sleep is much like life itself with ups and downs.
However, this change has helped me to be more consistent with my bed and wake times and I feel better because of it.
Having a consistent bed and wake time is vital for our sleep hygiene and overall health, and yes that includes even on weekends! 😉
Consistency is a surefire way to improve our health. This change helps to make that easier!
Try it!
Principle Of Life
Reminders and maxims to help you live your best life.
#32: Make time for health and wellness now, to avoid having to make time for illness later.
Until next week,
Luke Burrows
Founder, Podcast Host
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