
A collection of recommended resources to support you on your journey towards living your best life. I only recommend brands, products, tools, and resources that I personally use and love! Please note that this page contains product affiliate links and I may receive a commission if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links.

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Recommended Brands

SOMA Breath

Breathwork, meditation, and holistic health practices have changed my life for the better and there is no better community and platform to go to than SOMA Breath to learn a range of tools, techniques, and practices driven by ancient wisdom to help you live a more healthier and fulfilling life.


MindValley has given me access to the community, knowledge, and leading experts across the areas of health, self-improvement and entrepreneurship that has changed my life for the better. It's my go-to tool for continuous self-improvement.

Vivo Life

Get high-quality organic health & fitness supplements from VIVO LIFE who don't only source the best ingredients but do so in a sustainable way that better your health and the planet.

Helpful Tools


YOGABODY is a leader in science-based yoga education focused on improving your healthspan. Through their programs you can increase flexibility, build strength, and improve metabolic health, backed by science.


Tracking workouts and keeping an eye on your progress can be a challenge. I use RepCount to quickly and easily track workouts on my phone and keep track of my progression. Available on both iOS and Android.


A habit reminder and tracker that I use to track habits from getting my daily steps in to keeping hydrated. Available on both iOS and Android if you're looking to create and track new habits HabitMinder is your go-to habit tracker tool.

Anti-Blue Light Screen Protectors

It's becoming more well-known of the harmful effects of blue light exposure especially at night and how it ruins your sleep. Yet, we live in a blue-light-rich world. Ocushield has developed science-backed blue light-protecting products that protect you from your digital device screens.

Sustainable Natural Deodorant

If you're looking for sustainable natural deodorant free from hidden nasties then look no further than Wild. Wild offer the best sustainable natural deodorant in 5 great scents that are good for you and the planet. Use code 'WILDLUKE' for 20% off.

Clean Greens (and more)

Rheal provide the highest quality range of superfoods to help us thrive. I recommend the Clean Greens and Coco Dream products. Use code 'LUKEBURROWS' for 20% off your first purchase.

Rebel Meetups

A space for founders, creators, and ambitious humans to connect and share. I found my tribe at Rebel Meetups and you can too. I'm now the local host for my city where great conversations with rebels of all kinds happen every month.


A global network & learning community for unreasonably ambitious humans. Dffrnt helps you to develop soft skills to thrive combined with the community to stay accountable and form friendships with other like-minded ambitious humans.

If you're a podcast host or creator of any kind then look no further than Riverside makes it easy to record remote podcasts and video content that looks and sounds like they were recorded in a professional studio. It's how I record my podcast and how you can too!

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