Simplify Health, The Fragileness of Life, and A Healthier Alternative to Coffee
In this edition ofYour Best Life,I share my latest podcast episode on a simplified approach to health, an insight into the fragileness of life, an idea to improve our health (especially for coffee drinkers), and as always we finish with a life principle to help live our best lives. So, let’s dive into it ↓
Latest Podcast
My latest podcast episode.
Navigating health is hard. It’s confusing, overwhelming, and frustrating for most people with all of the health information out there.
So, this week on the pod, I fly solo to share my holistic approach to health and living consciously. In this episode, I share how I simplify health by looking at it through 8 pillars and while each pillar is different they are interconnected and personal to us all.
This is one of the misnomers within health. Like, of course, one area of our health affects another. But, for some reason, we’ve forgotten this alongside the personalised approach to health and many other key principles that I highlight in this episode.
So, if you’re looking for a simplified approach to health this episode might be for you!
Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts
Click here to listen on Spotify
1 Insight To Consider
Thought-provoking insights to think about.
A few recent podcasts, most notably the episode with Harry Verma have gotten me thinking a lot about the fragileness of life.
And, how in an instance life can be taken away.
Or, how all of a sudden a single event can change the trajectory of our lives in ways we cannot comprehend.
In just one moment.
Everything can change.
Just like that.
What does this mean for your daily lives?
Well, in the words of Harry and I’m paraphrasing I think it means to enjoy ourselves, live purposefully, have fun, remember what matters and live fully whatever that means for us individually!
I think it means to live in a space of gratitude, appreciation, abundance, love, joy, and awe.
This is different from having a gratitude practice, although valuable, or thinking positively, also valuable because when we live from a space of gratitude and the other virtues mentioned we are them, they are us, and there is no separation between us and them.
We live in this state of being and from personal experience we’ve all had moments of this throughout our lives.
I know I have.
The challenge, or you may view it as a quest is to live there most of the time.
This is one of the purposes of all personal and spiritual growth and spiritual practice. To help us grow and live from and be our highest self, or best self most of the time.
It’s from living from this higher point of view that we see life for what it truly is.
Fragile and precious.
But so beautiful and amazing.
In the tough times and the good.
And, no matter what situation we are in, we realise that it’s part of life.
It won’t last forever.
Nothing does.
Not even life itself.
1 Idea To Act On
Simple actions to improve your health & life.
Whether you’re a coffee drinker or not it’s fair to say that most coffee drinkers are somewhat religious over their cup of coffee first thing in the morning…
That’s not a criticism.
We all have ourthing.
You could say I’m religious about exercising first thing.
And, when something gets in the way of that I feel agitated and anxious.
Although I’ve learned to adapt and be more flexible.
But, my point is that we all have ourthing.
I’ve also learned that there’s value in being open to new and different alternatives.
And, when it comes to coffee what if I shared with you a better, healthier alternative that won’t give you crashes or leave you feeling that you need more to get through the day?!
Would you be open to that alternative? 🤔
If so, keep reading…
Because last week on the pod, I was joined by Liam Browne (episode here) who is a Yoga Teacher, Healer, and the founder of Full Power Cacao who shared the profound health benefits of the sacred food Cacao and why it’s a much healthier and better alternative to coffee!
Now, personally I’ve never got on with coffee. Even the good stuff! ☕️
But, Cacao…
I love it. And, enjoy it daily.
And, after chatting with Liam I’m convinced it’s a great alternative to coffee.
So, while I’m not suggesting to give up your coffee altogether I am suggesting maybe have one less and replace it with a cup of Cacao and see how you feel.
Who knows you may enjoy it even more 😉
And, if like me you’ve never got on with or been into coffee then give Cacao a go as it may become your new best friend!
Try it!
Principle Of Life
Reminders and maxims to help you live your best life.
#31:Be open and the world will open up to you.
Until next week,
Luke Burrows
Founder, Podcast Host
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