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You may notice that things are a little different around here. My newsletter has had a little facelift and after some time away this edition is its comeback.
But don’t worry I’ll still be sharing my latest insights to help you live your best life as well as to help navigate health, life itself, and live consciously.
I’ll start by sharing a tool that has changed the way I practice breathwork for the better!
Before that, I want to remind you that our breath and how we breathe is vitally important for our overall health. While there is more of an emphasis on our breath and breathwork has become a global phenomenon mostly thanks to leading experts like Wim Hof, Niraj Naik, and many others I still have the feeling that when we think and talk about health we instantly think of sleep, movement, and nutrition and maybe for good reason too…
However, when we really think about it we can go days without sleep and water, weeks without food, and even longer without exercise or physical activity.
Yet, how long can we go without our breath?! Or, if I were to put it another way how long can we go without the need to breathe?
I hope you get my point! 😉
Our breath is the mirror of our health. It is the remote control for our mind, body, and spirit and through breath control, we can quickly learn to change our emotional and mental state which gives us the ability to control our inner world.
And, when we can control our inner world we have a better relationship with the outer world!
Furthermore, because our health is interconnected sleep, exercise/movement, and nutrition all have a huge impact on our breathing and vice versa.
For example, there have been many studies that have found the profound effects of mindful eating and that when we eat more mindfully, ideally by chewing our food between 20 to 30 times we breathe at a much slower rate, taking in less air and hyperventilating less which promotes digestion.
On the topic of hyperventilation, when we hyperventilate during exercise mostly via mouth breathing we fatigue quicker and cause more stress in the body. And, from my own experience when I started to become more conscious of this during my own workouts, especially long runs, and switched from mouth breathing to nose breathing I noticed how I could push myself further, didn’t feel fatigued, and overall felt that I had more control.
I could go on and on about the power of the breath, and why it’s the remote control to our health as mentioned earlier. And, rest assured if you’re interested in this topic I will continue to explore it further in future editions as well as on my podcast. We already have many episodes on this topic and I’m looking forward to what is to come.
The question is what does this mean for our health?! 🤔
It means that we can use the power of the breath to improve our health and breathwork practices are one of the main ways that we do this.
The challenge for many is that there are many different breathwork methodologies out there. And, this can cause people to become confused and overwhelmed with what to practice and where to start.
They question if one is better than another, what’s the difference between breath work and meditation, and when they do choose a methodology if they are doing it right!
I know this because it’s part of the journey I’ve been on…
I’ve practised many methodologies and been around the houses 😂
And, while there is so much more for me to explore I wouldn’t say that one breath work method is better than another. It all depends on what you are looking for and each method is a tool that we can use and add to our toolbox.
For example, some methods focus on cultivating energy whereas others help to relax us. Some help us to change our emotional and mental state and others are better for exercise and during movement.
I’ve found that each method has a purpose and a time to use it.
And, that’s why I love State, which is a new recent tool I’ve discovered that has a variety of breathwork methods available.
All methods are only between 3-5 minutes which is perfect for those who want to practice breathwork but are time-restricted.
I’ve been using the app, which is available on iOS and Android, for two weeks now and have found it to be extremely powerful in helping to change my state.
I’m mostly using the ‘wake up’ method, which as you can see from the screenshots above is best used in the morning to gently transition into the day and boost productivity. They also have guided sessions to recenter and focus, feel alert, recover quickly, feel calm, and fall asleep.
Don’t get me wrong, my previous breathwork practice worked for me. And, I still utilise it. However, State has been a game changer these two weeks in its ability to get the benefits of breath work in no time at all.
And, that’s why I had to recommend it and share it with you today!
So, if you’re curious about breath work, want to start practising, are looking for a new routine, or just want to try something different but don’t know where to start or where to turn, State is the perfect app for you!
Download ithere for iOS andclick here for Android.
I’ve found it to be a game-changer! Let me know what you think!
PS. I’m not associated with the app in any way. It’s just helped me get the benefits of breath work in less time. I hope you find it as valuable as I have!
My latest podcast episode.
I shared this episode in the last edition ofYour Best Life, as it was and is the latest episode.
If you’re new around here, it’s a great opportunity to check it out for the first time and for those who got the last edition, it’s an opportunity to learn something new that you may not have got the first time around.
In summary, Dr. Randall Hansen is on a mission to help humanity find healing and optimal health, by educating and empowering people to be proactive about their food choices, find a healthy lifestyle, and heal from past trauma.
He is also the author of, The Healing Revolution Diet: A Science-based Approach to Heal Your Gut, Reverse Chronic Illnesses, Lose Weight, Clear Your Mind, and Increase Longevity.
In our conversation, we discuss why it’s important for individuals to take control of their health through informed food choices and mindful eating and how this is the antidote to tackling clever food marketing tactics disposed of by big food.
We cover the detrimental effects of ultra-processed foods, the myths surrounding nutrition, and the principles of the Healing Revolution Diet.
I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did recording it 😊
Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts
Brands that I use and love.
Navigating the supermarkets, food stores, and nutrition as a whole isn’t easy. Especially, with the influence of big food and how almost everything has hidden nasties whether it’s sugar, unhealthy oils, or ingredients we don’t even recognise!
That’s why I’ve set up simple principles for myself to follow such as single-ingredient whole foods most of the time, ie. fruits, vegetables, poultry, meat etc. and 5 to 7 ingredients for everything else.
Checking the ingredients has now become a habit and while it may be unfortunate it’s necessary to stay on the right side of health.
There are some brands, like WellEasy who are this week’s brand of the week that make this easier and that’s why I love and shop with them.
WellEasy offer…
1️⃣ All of the major health-conscious brands (big and small) under one roof which means no more going around the houses and wasting so much time!
2️⃣ Their own high-quality products that tasteGREAT. I’ve been so impressed by their range of products from their RAW Organic Almond Butter (my guilty pleasure) to their Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil in which they work with family farmers in Western Crete who have made EVOO for over 40 years. By buying WellEasy’s own brand I know that human health is at the centre of their decision making.5-stars!
3️⃣ A fantastic reward system whereby you can easily earn ‘WellEasy’ cash to spend on free delivery and your favourite products.
Plus, when you sign up as a member every Sunday you’ll receive an email to claim your three free weekly products simply by placing an order.
Today’s products are:
1️⃣ Mr Organic Cannellini Beans—which are grown organically and taste great in soups and salads.
2️⃣ Nairn’s Organic Oatcakes—made with gluten-free oats.
3️⃣ Montezuma’s Happy Hippy Orange & Geranium Dark Chocolate—which combines a citrusy flavour with the health benefits of dark chocolate.
Now, not many supermarkets give you free products every week just by placing an order.
And, that’s just a few of the reasons why WellEasy is this week, brand of the week. I haven’t even mentioned their new autoship feature where you can save even more ££££!! 😉
So, if you want to give WellEasy a try for yourself and claim your free three products, click this link, join as a member, and place an order before 11 pm tonight to claim your three free products.
Oh, and you’ll also receive a £10.00 discount on orders over £50.00 and a free 30-day trial on me! 🙌
Reminders and maxims to help you live your best life.
Our actions, not our pasts define who we are.
Until next week,
Struggle with low energy? Brain fog? Or mental fatigue? 🤔
Get a free health consultation on me! Book here.
© 2025 Luke Burrows. Owned and operated by Live Full Out Ltd. All Rights Reserved.