The Power of Yoga, An Eastern Medicine Admission and How To Reframe Limiting Beliefs!


In this edition ofYour Best Life,I share my latest podcast with Catarina Esteves, an insight about Eastern Medicine, and an idea to help you reframe subconscious limiting beliefs. We finish with a life principle on movement!

So, let’s dive into it ↓

Latest Podcast

My latest podcast episode.

I often thought of yoga as a fitness routine that is mostly for women.

But, how wrong was I… 🫣

In this week’s episode, I’m joined by Catarina Esteves who is a Certified Ancestral Yoga Coach and Teacher who helps people overcome trauma and guides them back home to themselves through the powerful and ancient practice of yoga.

Throughout our conversation, we explore yoga’s benefits for modern life, the difference between yoga, yoga-nidra, and meditation as well as common misconceptions about yoga including its accessibility for men.

I was fascinated to hear how yoga isn’t just a sequence of random poses or primarily a fitness routine as Western cultures have us believing. Well, this was the case for me!

Instead, yoga is an ancient practice that’s been practiced for over 5,000 years and in the words of Catarina…“is a journey to self-realisation!”

You can learn all about yoga by tuning into my conversation with Catarina Esteves wherever you get your podcasts. Click one of the links below and be ready to unlock yoga’s ancient wisdom for modern life!

Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts

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Click here to watch on YouTube

1 Insight To Consider

Thought-provoking insights to think about.

I have many issues with Western medicine and the healthcare system.

But, that doesn’t mean I’m totally against it!

In fact, I think our healthcare system is great for emergencies.

In an emergency, the lifestyle-first and holistic health approach I’m an advocate of won’t stack up very well.

If I break a bone, I’m going to want to get to the hospital…

However, to solve our ever-growing rise in chronic disease a lifestyle-first approach is the way to improve the direction of human health over the long term!

I just believe that to be the case, as what we’re currently doing isn’t working and after speaking with professionals like Dr. Stefano Sinicropi (click here to watch that episode) I’m even more convinced that lifestyle interventions and seeing the human body, mind, and spirit as a holistic system is the way forward.

And, for the most part, Eastern Medicine recognises this whether that’s Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, or any other ancient practice…

However, I’ve realised that I’ve been putting partitioners of Eastern Medicine on a pedestal in the way that I viewed them.

I viewed them as not only getting to the root causes of health issues which Eastern Medicine unlike Western healthcare does but also helping people to take back control of their health free from creating dependency!

But after some deeper reflection, even partitioners within Eastern Medicine can create dependency and that’s a shame…

Now, of course, not all Eastern Medicine partitioners create dependency. And, the same goes for Doctors and healthcare professionals within Western systems.

There are two core reasons why I’m sharing this with you…

1.Neither Eastern nor Western Medicine is perfect. Both have their positives and negatives and at the end of the day, there is a world for them both.


2. More interesting I believe that the purpose of having our health is to have the freedom to do the things that we want to do and live a high quality of life. How can we do that if we are dependent on others in order to feel good? No matter if they come from an Eastern or Western Medicine background!

To add some more light to this, I have family members who go to an acupuncturist and their methodology is routed in Eastern Medicine.

They know their stuff.

A few weeks ago, I noticed how my family members only feel good when they go to and for about a couple of weeks after they visit their acupuncturist.

In other words, they are dependent on their acupuncturist in order to free good.

Is that really what we want?

Is that really health?

In my opinion, no!

I believe we visit experts like acupuncturists in this case to seek their wisdom and guidance and learn the tools to thrive!

Basically, to become independent, free, and live the highest quality of life possible.

That’s not to say we wouldnever go back to them. Of course, not!

But, to only feel good when we visit(enter expert) or to take(enter supplement or medication) isn’t what health is about.

And, I’ve started to see this too often not only within Western Medicine, I kinda expected this but also within Eastern Medicine and that’s a shame…

The solution lies in sharing the knowledge, wisdom, and tools people need to become independent, free, and live their healthiest highest quality life possible.

That’s what health is about. Well, at least it is for me!

What do you think? Do you have an experience on this that you would like to share? What do you make of this insight?

I would love to read your thoughts and comments. Drop me a line back!

1 Idea To Act On

Simple actions to improve your health & life.

When I first learned that we all have subconscious beliefs that are mostly negative and limiting because they’re designed to keep us safe and are running the show in the background it blew my mind 🤯

It was fascinating but also anxiety-inducing, scary and concerning all at the same time…

Like, having these big forces over us that are within us that we can do very little about but play a big role in how we show up in the world!!

Yeah, that’s scary…

Well, that’s what I thought!

It turns out that by becoming conscious of our subconscious beliefs we can flip the switch so to speak and become the master, rather than the peasant of our belief system!

The question is… how do we do that?! 🤔

Now, I’m not a therapist, psychologist, or expert on this stuff.

But, here’s an idea to try that could work well for you…

  • Step #1: Awareness

Without becoming aware of our subconscious limiting beliefs we are always going to be at the mercy of them.

Here’s the deal…

No matter what we want, if we’ve got an underlying subconscious limiting belief that it’s going to cause us pain or isn’t available to us we either don’t let ourselves have it or mess up it if we get it.

But, by becoming aware of our beliefs we start to realise this for what it is rather than thinking we’re broken and wallowing in self-pity. We’re not broken, we have subconscious limiting beliefs.

  • Step #2: Reframing

This is where the work happens as we reframe our subconscious limiting beliefs to something more positive and empowering based on what we want or where we want to go!

For example:

A common limiting belief around money is…

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

This could become…

“I’m open to receiving all the abundance and money that comes my way”.

Or something similar. You get the point.

It’s about turning the belief that holds us back into a new belief that will move us forward.

This will take time. But through repetition, you will get there!

  • Step #3: Live in accordance with the reframe.

This step is a bit more difficult as it requires action on our part to live in accordance with the reframe made in step 2.

It isn’t easy and requires courage.

If we’re able to push through being uncomfortable we will start to notice how by living in accordance with our reframed beliefs we start to gain proof for them which reaffirms them further and over time they will become our new beliefs!

That’s the ultimate goal!

Now, this isn’t an overnight process. Or a one a done!

We may go through the steps time and time again. There’ll be ups and downs. Expect them, navigate through them consciously, and over time you will see the benefit and power reframing our subconscious limiting beliefs has on not just our overall quality of life but satisfaction and peace within it!

I’m on this journey and I encourage you to join me 😀

Principle Of Life

Principles & reminders to help you live your best life.

#25: Our bodies are designed to move so move every day in various ways!

Until next week,

Luke Burrows

Founder, Podcast Host

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