The Problem with Positive Thinking And Much More
In this edition of Your Best Life, I share my latest podcast with Devin Mattoon on grounding, an insight into the problem with positive thinking, and an idea to help add a bit of flavour to life. We finish with a life principle on consciousness, let’s dive into it ↓
Latest Podcast
My latest podcast episode.
In this episode, I’m joined by Devin Mattoon a certified healer, guide, and consciousness facilitator who specialises in working with women to step into their spirituality and next-level identity.
We explore the topic of grounding and discuss the various methodologies and practices of grounding, the benefits and science behind it, and its relationship with spirituality.
If you want to improve your physical health and promote mental calmness and clarity a grounding practice is a solution and highly recommended. Click to listen or watch below to learn how grounding can help you live your best life.
Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts
Click here to listen on Spotify
1 Insight To Consider
Thought-provoking insights to think about.
Recently I’ve been going through a difficult time. There are a few reasons behind it that I’m not going to bore you with but instead share something I’ve realised during this time that stems from my amazing family doing all they can to help.
As an optimist or dare I say ex-optimist (read this edition to find out why I say ex-optimist) I’ve been guilty of this before and it’s the idea of positive thinking…
I’m not against positive thinking or positivity. I think in a world where negativity sells and is all around us at the touch of a fingertip drowning that out with positivity, gratitude, and feel-good vibes is a great antidote!
I think we all can learn to be more positive, and grateful and notice all of the good stuff in our lives. As Gary Vee says, the chances of us being human are 400 trillion to 1 so we have a lot to be positive about and grateful for…
One insight into positive thinking I’ve realised after my family has been encouraging me to focus on the positives and keep my chin up is that oftentimes we only “need to” focus on the positives when we’re doing something we don’t enjoy, dislike, and are in challenging/difficult situation.
For example, we may get encouraged to focus on the positives when working a job we hate, being somewhere we don’t want to be or having to go out of our way when we’d rather be doing something else–especially if that thing or situation drains our energy!
This positive thinking reiterates the fact that we’re doing something we don’t enjoy or are in a difficult situation because we’re only thinking positively to lift our spirits due to what we’re doing or the situation we are in…
Make sense? 🤷♂️
Think of it this way…
We don’t focus on the positives when we’re doing something we enjoy because we’re so caught up living in the moment doing the thing that the natural by-product of doing the thing is joy and feel-good emotions!
So what’s the solution?
The solution is to learn to accept the situation for what it is aka be in a state of surrender with no labels attached. It’s the attachment of labels, ie. positive or negative that derives us from our peace and sanity.
This isn’t to say that if an ongoing situation, like working a job we hate is causing us to be unhappy, unfulfilled, and depressed we keep working that job.
On the contrary… it’s accepting that’s the situation with no labels and not fighting it and then directing your attention to what we can do about it!
Look for a new job?
Update our CV?
Think about what we want from life?
That’s the antidote!
And it’s more practical rather than, in this example, working a job we don’t like and only getting through the days by “thinking positively”.
That’s no way to live life! ❌
We end up falling into a rut, and before we know it 5, 10, 15 years or more have gone by.
That’s what I’ve learned about positive thinking, what about you? Where do you stand on it?
1 Idea To Act On
Simple actions to improve your health & life.
This week I turned 29 and got 2 tickets to go and see The Lion King at The Lyceum Theatre, London.
It not only reminded me of the importance of detaching from “work” although I don’t see my “work” as “work” but you get my point, it also reminded me the importance of doing something I’ve never done before…
And, that’s the “idea” for one of a better word for you!
To go and do something you’ve never done before. It can be big or small. It doesn’t matter.
But, getting out of the day-to-day routine every so often and doing something we’ve never done before, is great for our overall health and well-being, adds a bit of flavour to life, broadens our perspective, and I find increases gratitude for that warm fuzzy feeling of home and the people around me!
Try it!
Principle Of Life
Reminders and maxims to help you live your best life.
#17: Be mindful of what you choose to look for, because you’ll end up finding it.
Until next week,
Struggle with low energy? Brain fog? Or mental fatigue? 🤔
Get a free health consultation on me! Book here.
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