The Science of Breathwork & More!


This edition ofYour Best Lifefeatures my latest podcast with Ed Harrold on the science of breathwork, an insight into all things social conditioning and societal pressure, and an idea on building habits. Finally, we finish with a life principle on doing the right thing. I hope you enjoy this edition! 😄

Latest Podcast

My latest podcast episode.

In this episode, I’m joined by Ed Harrold who is an author, motivational speaker, inspirational leader, coach and educator who blends ancient wisdom with neuroscience into effective strategies to help people improve health, performance and overall well-being.

We explore the science of breathwork and the impact it has on our body, mind, and overall health. Ed shares how by controlling the breath, we can control the mind and by controlling the mind can create and live our best lives possible!

I was blown away by Ed’s enthusiasm and passion for humanity and commitment to helping people live a more enlightened life.

If you want to improve your health, performance, and overall well-being by learning the science of breathwork, this is the episode for you! Click on one of the links below to listen or watch this episode ↓

Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts

Click here to listen on Spotify

Click here to listen elsewhere

Click here to watch on YouTube

1 Insight To Consider

Thought-provoking insights to think about.

Within the self-improvement space, we often refer to the idea that society tells us this, that, or something else. For example, society tells us that we“need” to get a good education to be successful.

The list goes on…

I’m as guilty of this as anyone. Especially, in my early content creation days and when I first started entering the world of self-improvement.

Most recently I’ve started to question this idea. Not because it’s not true. In fact, I’ve often felt this societal pressure which can bear deep for many.

I’ve started to question this idea because when“we”refer to“society” who are we actually referring to? 🤷‍♂️

Aren’t“we” part of society? 👀

Don’t“we” makeup society, therefore, aren’twe part of the problem? 👀

When I refer to“we”,I refer to all of us, including those in the self-improvement space whether a coach, thought leader, or personality.

As hinted, that’s not to say social conditioning or societal pressure doesn’t exist.

It’s a very big thing that impacts us all, both consciously and unconsciously! Many times we don’t even recognise it unless we purposely start to ask the question and that’s the role of conscious personal growth and self-discovery.

I just wonder who“we’re”referring to as“society” and if we are part of it, and if so isn’t it about time we start to change the narrative, rather than thinking, maybe even believing society is outside of ourselves.

1 Idea To Act On

Simple actions to improve your health & life.

When it comes to forming new habits, it’s often the small habits that I struggle with the most and forget 99% of the time.

An example of this would be tongue-scraping—an ancient practice within Ayurveda that I’ve wanted to integrate into my morning routine for months but keep forgetting!

Sure, there are probably many reasons why I keep forgetting from it not being a high priority, to automatically going through my standard morning routine every morning that I become oblivious to anything outside of it, and many other reasons.

Maybe, I should bring a psychologist or habit expert onto the podcast to explore this further—if you’d like that let me know…

Anyway, I’ve realised that sometimes it’s these “smaller habits” that can make the biggest difference but because we see them as “small” we don’t value them as much or think, like me, we won’t forget them when the reality is quite on the contrary!

So, with this in mind, what is one “small” habit that you keep putting off or have wanted to integrate for any extended period of time but haven’t?! And, what can you do today to set yourself up for success tomorrow—measured by actually doing the thing?!

Think about it, let me know, and then get straight to it tomorrow!

P.S. I actually remembered to scrape my tongue this morning, now time to build the habit 😂

Principle Of Life

Reminders and maxims to help you live your best life.

#19: It’s never too late to do the right thing!

Until next week,


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