The Unconscious and Conscious Mind, My Latest Insights on Purpose and Much More!


In this edition of Your Best Life,I’m joined by leading breathwork expert Jesse Coomer to discuss how breathwork is the ultimate way to understand ourselves through understanding our unconscious and conscious minds and their symbiotic relationship. Furthermore, I share an insight on purpose, an idea on improving your “weak area”, and finish with a life principle on lifelong learning. Let’s dive into it ↓

Latest Podcast

My latest podcast episode.

In this episode, I’m joined by Jesse Coomer who is a leading expert in the field of breathwork as we discuss the importance of understanding ourselves as conscious and unconscious beings rather than separate entities, how breathwork can help us understand this phenomenon, and its relationship with the unconscious, subconscious, and conscious mind.

This was a fascinating conversation where I and now you get to learn all about the symbiotic relationship between the unconscious and conscious mind and how breathwork allows us to enter the unconscious so we can better understand ourselves and navigate the world around us.

Check out this episode wherever you get your podcasts by clicking one of the links below ↓

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1 Insight To Consider

Thought-provoking insights to think about.

Purpose has been a recurring theme throughout my content.

It’s something that I’ve been seeking my entire young adult life to find.

To answer the big life question of why am I and why are we here? What is the purpose of it all?

I have many ideas, hypotheses, thoughts, and insights on purpose. Some of which I’ve previously shared whether on the pod, in this email newsletter, and/or on social.

My most recent insight on purpose is…

Is our purpose—or at least part of it found in what we feel most connected to and living there? And, that the quest of life is to find what that is for each of us.

Maybe more of a question than an insight but I think there’s something in it.

And, we can all start that quest by asking the first question…

What do I feel most connected to and why?

Whatever the answer is for each of us, we start there. Then, through exploration and for one of a better phase seeing “what makes our heart sing” we further discover what we feel connected to and develop the courage to pursue it.

When we think about it looking at purpose through the lens of what we feel most connected to is often the thing that we want to share with others which is a form of contribution, which gives life meaning, which produces the feeling we’re living with purpose—essentially connecting many other insights around purpose together to get a better overall picture!

This insight is a different way of looking at it. And, I’m curious about what will come up for me and you when we start to ask the question of what we feel most connected to and why.

1 Idea To Act On

Simple actions to improve your health & life.

I’m going out on a limb here by sharing for the first time that one of my “weak” areas is my social life and relationships.

Yet, the more I dive into health the more I realise the importance of social connection.

This has sparked this week’s idea to identify your “weak” area, and over the next week take one action to strengthen that area.

For example, for me, that could be to arrange to meet a friend I haven’t seen in a while. Or, to overcome my introverted tendencies when I’m next around a group of people and contribute more.

Essentially, any action that will help strengthen our “weak area” no matter how small the action might be.

At the end of the day, we all have a “weak area” when it comes to our health and well-being and rather than neglect that area/s, and hide from it—let’s embrace it, face it, and take positive actions to overcome it!

For you, that might be exercise, nutrition, sleep, or purpose. It might be your social life, intellect, or mindset.

It doesn’t matter. We all have at least one. What matters is recognising it and committing to improving it over the long term. This week take one positive action in that direction and check in with how you feel afterwards.

Try it!

Principle Of Life

Reminders and maxims to help you live your best life.

#22: Commit to lifelong learning: not finishing at school.

Until next week,

Luke Burrows

Founder, Podcast Host

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