Luke Burrows

Conceptually we understand that making nutrient-dense food choices will have the greatest positive impact on our health, well-being, and longevity yet due to being subject to the food industry, which hijacks the part of us that likes sweet treats, convenience, and is inherently lazy we make food choices that aren’t good for us.

There are many reasons why this happens. And, while I would love for the food industry to change and put the health of humanity first we all know that isn’t going to happen anytime soon, as big-food companies exist for one reason only: to make money and keep their shareholders “happy”.

That leaves us with one main solution. To take personal responsibility for our choices and decisions and make better more conscious choices and decisions moving forward.

I like to adopt the mindset of Shawn Stevenson who is an expert when it comes to everything health. Shawn states that we don’t need to give up our favourite foods, instead up-level the ingredients that we use. I’ve applied this concept and most things taste the same and/or if not better – and that is no word of a lie! It could be something simple such as choosing an organic option rather than non-organic.

Leyla who joins me in this episode agreed with me as she is the founder of a health food store and up-levels the ingredients in traditional desserts and a range of other treats which taste the same but from a nourishment perspective are so much better.

The concept of health consciousness is to raise consciousness in the area of health by making the unknown known to the masses. This stems from knowing what is in our food, how our food is handled, and produced, and where it comes from all the way to the effects of forever chemicals that are found in products that we use on a daily basis.

Health consciousness also covers broader societal issues that bring about polarised opinions on controversial subjects like the recent COVID pandemic and vaccines. As a society, we’ve leaned towards black-and-white thinking which limits our ability to find common ground and remember the truth. I like the concept referred to by Gary Vaynerchuk, which illustrates the importance of embracing the grey areas and recognising that life’s answers often lie in between extremes which he refers to as neither red nor blue but purple.

This topic could be extended to the effects we’re having on the environment as Leyla reveals that recycling is often a “greenwashing” exercise and sheds light on the fact that a significant amount of recycled waste ends up in landfills or is burned, rather than recycled. Thankfully many people are becoming more aware of what greenwashing is and the effects it has on not just our health, but the environment and planet we call home. Ultimately, there is a need for more transparency and awareness regarding not just recycling practices but everything that affects the health and well-being of humanity.

Oftentimes realising the role that we play is a journey of self-discovery as we tend to conform to societal expectations and pressure. If you go out with friends, and they make unhealthy food choices, you feel obliged to follow suit. The solution is to go within and reflect on what your core values are, without external influences. This inner exploration allows us to establish a strong sense of self and make choices that align with our authentic selves. Be mindful that this process may lead to the loss of certain relationships and friendships, but it’s part of prioritising your personal growth, well-being, and living a purposeful authentic life.