Luke Burrows

RC25: Conscious Parenting with Faraaz Ali

Conscious parenting is the practice of being aware, and mindful of who you are as a parent and how you are making decisions in raising your children, especially those decisions that affect children on a deep emotional level. At the time of this episode, and for the foreseeable future I have no intention of becoming a […]

RC24: How To Come To A Place Of Forgiveness

The transformative power of forgiveness and how it connects to our consciousness is something that I didn’t realise until I completed the Life Visioning Mastery Quest by Dr Michael Beckwith on MindValley. This Quest is a transformational 5-week program that explores the topics of consciousness and spirituality to help students connect with who they really […]

RC23: The Purpose of All Human Existence

Discovering my life purpose has been a lifelong quest of mine which has led me to explore the purpose of life itself. I’ve been fascinated with discovering why I and we are here and what is the point of it all. This led to me starting my personal growth journey a few years back, entering […]

RC22: The True Happiness Fulfilment Model: A Path to Authentic Joy

There are many theories on happiness. Some believe happiness comes and goes, others believe it’s the purpose of life. I don’t know about you but I don’t have the answer and maybe others either and we’re all trying to work it out for ourselves. That was one of the catalysts for me creating the model […]

RC21: Becoming Humanity Plus: A Five-Step Approach to Meaningful Contribution

In the last episode, I shared how being an altruist and optimist has given birth to two new concepts around my ideal vision for humanity and introduced to you the concept of Humanity First Values. In this episode, we delve into the second concept which is inspired by the book “Buddha and the Badass” by […]

RC20: What Are Humanity-First Values

I’m an altruist and optimist which means that I care for all of humanity on a deep level and always see the light. I want what’s best for humanity, and have an ideal vision for what it means to be human. Therefore, you could also say I’m an idealist. All of this has given birth […]

RC18: Why Nature Is Always Trying To Guide Us To Authenticity with Dr. John Demartini

In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. John Demartini who delves deep into the fundamental principles of living a fulfilled and purposeful life. Together, we explore the concept of aligning one’s actions with their highest values and Dr. Demartini highlights the importance of authenticity and individuality in the pursuit of true happiness. One of the […]

RC17: The Feedback Learn and Grow Model: A Three-Step Guide to Personal Growth

Recently I’ve been exploring and playing with putting together personal growth frameworks to advance my personal growth and simplify how I view the world. And, who knows they might help you too! 😉 In this episode, we delve into a powerful three-step model called the Feedback Learn and Grow Model. Like most of these frameworks, […]