Why We Don’t “Need” To Find Our Purpose And Are We All Just Winging It?!
Purpose, consciousness and honesty are the main topics of this edition of Your Best Life as I’m joined by Kat Chu on the podcast to discuss purpose, human suffering, spirituality, and Chinese Medicine, as well as share an insight on consciousness, and an idea on if we’re actually being honest with ourselves, and if not, how to start to be. Finally, we finish with a life principle on the breath. So with that said, let’s dive into it ↓
Latest Podcast
My latest podcast episode.
In this episode, I’m joined by Kat Chu a Spiritual Transformation Guide, who uses a unique combination of ancient wisdom teachings and ancestral healing, such as Chinese Medicine to help people awaken their inner divinity, find freedom from suffering, and live a truly fulfilling life beyond their wildest imagination.
If you want to know why you don’t need to “find” your purpose because it’s already within you, the role of suffering in the human experience, what spirituality actually is–according to Kat, and why Chinese medicine matters then this is the episode for you! 😉
Click on one of the links below to listen or watch this episode wherever you get your podcasts from and if you enjoy my conversation with Kat, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts ↓
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1 Insight To Consider
Thought-provoking insights to think about.
I woke up on Thursday morning with the question of whether any of us know what we’re really doing or if we were just winging it? 🤔
This reminded me of a lesson I learned a few years ago, about how we’re all operating from our highest level of consciousness in each moment, moment to moment, and doing the best that we can!
This insight can be freeing and liberating if we allow it to be because rather than thinking we need to figure everything out, we can just be…
There are some things we may want or feel the “need” to figure out. But, at the moment can’t because we aren’t there yet in our level of consciousness.
This isn’t to say that we stop there. Give up hope, and go home. But it is to say that we don’t have to fight it. And, instead can embrace our curiosity, and engage in new learning, and self-transformation to reach new levels of consciousness.
There are so many things outside of our current realm of consciousness, that it’s mind-boggling. If we knew even a small fraction of that, we would raise our consciousness tenfold and be able to make better decisions.
But, at the end of the day, we don’t know what we don’t know. And, we only realise we don’t know, what we don’t know by learning what we don’t know–aka raising our consciousness, if that makes sense 🤯
The underlying point is that we’re all doing the best that we can in each moment based on our level of consciousness. That’s not to say we don’t have hypotheses and intuitions–that’s part consciousness in itself.
When we realise this for ourselves, we not only have and develop more self-compassion but also have more empathy and compassion for others.
So, what does this all mean?! 🤷♂️
I’m not sure—which goes back to my original point 😂 but I think it means to stay curious, not to take anything too seriously, engage in new learning, notice the signs, our emotions and feelings matter—we don’t need to act on them, rather observe them and use feedback as a tool to learn and grow and to know that we’re all doing the best we can in each moment!
1 Idea To Act On
Simple actions to improve your health & life.
How many of us are truly being honest with ourselves?!
I mean like, really…
In our minds, we often create all of these narratives and stories–many of which aren’t true and are bullsh*t but we’ve brainwashed ourselves into thinking that they are!
And, we don’t even consciously recognise it.
I’m no different…
As I’m writing this I’m thinking all of the ways I’m not being honest with myself, the narratives and stories I tell myself and how that stops me from being my best self and living my best life.
Like, I need to be productive every day without fail to make progress. And if I don’t make progress then I’m a failure.
I’m “behind” in life. I’m not where I want or expected to be. Which funnily enough feeds into the notion that I need to be productive every day.
Either way, where is the truth in any of these stories?
They’re narratives I’ve created and formed over time. And, we all have them.
It’s only by stopping, reflecting, and consciously thinking about our narratives and the stories we tell ourselves that we can recognise if they’re helpful or not.
Some are, most aren’t!
So, I propose that we start to be more honest with ourselves. Because, how we can truly be honest with others if we aren’t truly honest with ourselves?
I propose we do this by identifying one narrative, story, or limiting belief that is holding us back. Recognise it, identify where it comes from, reframe it, and then look for practical applications.
For example: using the narrative I shared earlier for me this includes, reframing the narrative so that I know my productivity doesn’t equal my self-worth and who I am as a person, defining what a productive day looks like which varies daily and planning accordingly so I at least complete my non-negotiable lifestyle habits such as exercise etc., a main action/task towards a project I’m working on, and 2 to 3 maintenance or admin based tasks such as replying to emails, outstanding messages etc.
What does this look like for you? What is one narrative, story, or limiting belief you want to overcome?
Recognise it.
Identify where it comes from.
Reframe it.
Then look for practical applications.
Try it. And, be honest with yourself!
Principle Of Life
Reminders and maxims to help you live your best life.
#20: Take time out to just breathe.
Until next week,
Luke Burrows
Founder, Podcast Host
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